How to change the font for LG KU990 Viewty

In our testing machine of LG KU990 (Viewty), there are two font files, one is LG_Vector which is pretty small and contains Latin alphabets like English, the other one is LG_Vector_Gothic which contains other fonts like Chinese.

The English fonts on KU990, "LG_Vector" look nice in most cases, but for Chinese fonts, even the font style is way better than SonyEricsson or Nokia's defult font, the font style can be improved.

Warning: Inexperienced users might brick the phone during the process. Please stop reading if you are not familiar with the "EFS_MEDIA_BUILDER" software (a software for hacking KU990, more information on MyGreatPhone UK's wiki). Never try this unless you know what you are doing!

Step 1:
Get your favorite .TTF font, but mind that: 1) it can only be .TTF, no .TTC or .FON files; 2) the font display on phone might shrink for some fonts.

Step 2:
Load the EFS, and use the "TOTO method" to rename the file, i.e. rename the LGAPP folder to TOTO or anything else, as a backup measure. Disconnect and restart the phone.

Don't panic if you see the yellow "REFRESHING. . ." screen.

Step 3:
Reconnect using EFS, go to TOTO/Media/Font and rename the LG_Vector.ttf (or LG_Vector_Gothic.ttf) to anything else.

Step 4:
Rename your favorite font to LG_Vector.ttf (or LG_Vector_Gothic.ttf) and put into TOTO/Media/Font, and then rename the TOTO folder back to LGAPP. Disconnect and restart and you should see the change.


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