Why buy a normal edition Sims 3

We seldom talk about games, but local stores are loaded with the Sims 3 from EA.

Unless you *really* like the Sims series, consider refrain from buying the "Collector's Edition" of the Sims 3: -
1) The "Sims Plumbob" 2GB USB flash will break into three when it's dropped on ground.  They were merely assembled with glue.
2) There is no the USB "this side up" logo on the flash.
3) Worse, there are reports that many computers fail to even load the flash.  If your computer can, good, you're in luck.
4) The package is not luxurious, and it doesn't seems to be environmental friendly either.

The price difference between the Collector's Edition and the normal one is around $10 here.  But the peasant edition comes with a coffee mug, which is more practical than a unusable USB flash, in our opinion.  Of course, you make the call.


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