SonyEricsson T707 Sharapova phone

The most obvious reason that we tend to not report SonyEricsson handset is that you can't actually tell which model the phone is by merely looking at it. Their models are so indistinguishable and their product line feature are blur. This new model, Sony Ericsson T707, is a rare exception.

For T707, Ericsson has partnered with Maria Sharapova, the famous tennis star. Unlike the ordinary uninteresting outlook of Sony Ericsson phone, T707 is a flip phone which is believed to be a 3G successor of Z610, a 2006 model with sharp colors and reflections.

Commentable features:
- Memory Stick Micro (boo..., they should make it dual compatible like k850)
- 3.2MP camera, geotagging (mediocre camera, with geotagging some users might be interested in it)
- 95g (quite compact for flip phone)
- 2.2", TFT, 240x320, 262k color display
- UMTS/HSDPA 2100 (no practical use besides Youtube)
- Youtube (With the small size of screen, you won't probably want to Youtube)
- Gesture keys to mute incoming calls or snooze the alarm (without actually flipping the phone) (finally a nice function.)

Rumor says it will be available by June 2009. We expect the price will be $2,488 in Hong Kong, a city with no sales tax. (nobody's willing to pay more on this very mediocre phone)

(Via engadget)


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